Protect Your Property

Okaloosa Island Leaseholders Association

Property owners and fellow island enthusiasts,

OILA is dedicated to preserving our unparalleled way of life on the Emerald Coast and safeguarding against threats to your property.

These threats include:

• Beach Erosion—According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Okaloosa Island Beaches have been considered “Critically Eroded” for several years following a series of destructive hurricanes. As plans are developed for restoration of our dunes, OILA stands watch to ensure that our beaches are kept in pristine condition.

• Destruction of natural areas that are potential habitat for endangered species such as the Gulf Coast Solitary Bee, which feeds only on the Coastal Plain Honeycombhead flower that exists in all of our northside beach freeways, as well as the endangered Florida Perforate Reindeer Lichen. We are also witnessing a major reduction in the population of Monarch Butterflies on the Island.

• Paving our northside freeways, the six natural habitat areas that drain storm water adjacent to the neighborhoods north of SRB--in the interest of public parking. Not only does paving these areas destroy natural habitat, parking lots are detrimental to drainage during storm events. Beach freeway number two was recently converted into a public parking lot right next to residential homes and Islanders have already witnessed flooding in this area.

• Reducing the Okaloosa Island Protective Covenants and Restrictions (PC&Rs) that benefit all property owners. The Island’s zoning regulations have been repeatedly amended against the advice of OILA’s architecture committee. In doing so, commercial businesses have begun to appear in residential areas, an action which is clearly against the Island’s Protective Covenants.

• Profiteering homeowners who ignore the prohibition of short-term rentals in the single-family home zones north of Santa Rosa Blvd. These actions commercialize our quiet, family neighborhoods as vacationing transients turn them into just another Florida party destination similar to Navarre Beach or Destin. These people also take revenue away from tax-paying condo owners who are abiding by the rules.

• Constricting our main traffic artery, Santa Rosa Blvd (SRB), from four traffic lanes to two lanes on the west half of the island. OILA is unwilling to accept increased emergency response times and accompanying safety impacts. Lane reduction leads to accidents and traffic back-ups from tourist buses, public transportation, delivery, trash, food and beverage trucks, etc., and it ultimately frustrates both tourists and locals.

When united against prior threats, property owners have prevailed. Join the Okaloosa Island Leaseholders Association (OILA) to get involved, to stay informed, to make your voice louder, and to protect your property value and enjoyment of the island.

OILA—We’re Stronger Together

Erosion Concerns

Army Corp of Engineers (Mobile District) Study

Okaloosa County, Florida Coastal Storm Risk Management Study

Main Report

Appendix A - Engineering

Appendix B – Economics

Appendix C - Environmental

Appendix D – Real Estate

Critical Eroded Beach Study

This document, which is updated annually, provides a listing of Florida’s beaches that are designated critically eroded

Okaloosa County There are three critically eroded beach areas (6.5 miles) and one critically eroded inlet shoreline area (0.8 mile) in Okaloosa County (Figure 17). The 2.8 miles of developed Santa Rosa Island, known as Okaloosa Island (R1 – R15) near Fort Walton Beach, is critically eroded. Dune restoration projects were constructed after the hurricanes of 1995, 1998, 2004 and 2012. The east shoreline of East Pass along Norriego Point is experiencing critical inlet shoreline erosion threatening development and recreational interests. This area has bulkheads and retaining walls in front of private development, and a seawall and boulder mound T-groins along the undeveloped segment to the north. The western 1.6 miles of Destin (R17 – R25.5) is designated critically eroded following the severe impact of the 2005 hurricane season and on-going erosion conditions. The western portion on Holiday Isles (R17.2 – R19.8) received emergency nourishment in 2010, and the entire beach restoration project was completed in 2013. The eastern 2.1 miles of Destin (R39 – R50) is designated critically eroded, threatening development and the coastal road. This area is a beach restoration project constructed in 2007.

FDEP Okaloosa Critically Eroded